does youtube tv have ads

Does YouTube TV Have Ads? How to Block ADs

YouTube TV has become a popular alternative to traditional cable services, offering a wide range of channels and on-demand content. However, one question many potential subscribers have is “Does YouTube TV have Ads?” We are going to explore the world of YouTube TV commercials in more detail, including sharing some useful tips on how to avoid (or at least minimize) YouTube advertisements and get rid of  your annoyance with commercial interruptions.

Introduction to YouTube TV

With over 100 television networks available for live TV, on-demand programming, and cloud-based DVR, YouTube TV is a streaming television service. Launched in 2017, it has rapidly grown in popularity due to its flexibility, extensive channel lineup, and the convenience of being a part of the YouTube ecosystem. Subscribers can access content on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and computers.

Does YouTube TV Have Ads?

The answer to the question “Does YouTube TV Have Ads?” Absolutely Yes, YouTube TV does have ads. Similar to traditional cable and satellite TV services, YouTube TV includes commercials during live broadcasts and on some on-demand content. These ads are generally the same as those you would see on regular television channels since YouTube TV streams content from network partners that include commercial breaks.

Why Does YouTube TV Have So Many Ads?

Why Does YouTube TV Have So Many Ads

Let’s be real: ads are the lifeblood of free streaming services. They pay for the content we enjoy. But “so many ads” is subjective. Some channels are ad-heavy, others less so. And DVR recordings? Prepare for those pesky commercial breaks.

There are many reasons why YouTube TV has ads:

1. Partnership with TV Networks: YouTube TV partners with various TV networks that have their own ad inventory. The ads you see are often embedded within the content provided by these networks.

2. Revenue Model: Advertising is a significant revenue stream for both YouTube TV and its network partners. These ads help keep the subscription costs lower than they would be without ad support.

3. Content Licensing Agreements: Many content licensing agreements require YouTube TV to include ads as part of the deal. This ensures that networks can maintain their ad revenue streams even when their content is viewed through streaming services.

How to Skip Ads on YouTube TV DVR

YouTube TV offers a cloud-based DVR feature, allowing subscribers to record their favorite shows and watch them later. Here’s how you can skip ads on recorded content:

1. Fast-Forwarding: When watching recorded shows, you can usually fast-forward through the ads. This feature might be restricted for some networks due to licensing agreements.

2. Commercial Break Indicators: Some recorded content may have markers indicating where commercial breaks start and end, making it easier to skip ads.

3. Upgrade to Ad-Free Versions: For certain shows and networks, you might have the option to upgrade to an ad-free version for an additional fee.

Can You Get Ad-Free YouTube TV?

Can You Get Ad-Free YouTube TV?

While YouTube TV itself includes ads, there are ways to minimize or avoid ads altogether:

1. YouTube Premium: Subscribing to YouTube Premium removes ads from YouTube videos, but it does not affect ads on YouTube TV. However, some YouTube TV subscribers mistakenly believe that this premium service covers YouTube TV ads as well.

2. On-Demand Content: Some on-demand content on YouTube TV is available without ads, depending on the network and the specific licensing agreements.

3. Network-Specific Upgrades: Certain networks might offer ad-free viewing options for their content through additional subscription fees.

How to Block YouTube Ads?

If you find ads on YouTube TV disruptive, there are a few methods you can try to block them:

1. Browser Extensions: Ad-blocker extensions like AdBlock, uBlock Origin, and AdGuard can block ads when you watch YouTube TV through a web browser. However, these may not work on all devices or with all content.

Ad Blocker That Works on YouTube

Finding an ad blocker that works consistently with YouTube TV can be challenging. Here are some options:

1. AdBlock: This popular browser extension blocks ads on YouTube TV when viewed in a web browser. It is really simple to set and install.

2. uBlock Origin: Known for its effectiveness and low resource usage, uBlock Origin is another excellent option for blocking ads on YouTube TV in a web browser.

3. AdGuard: AdGuard offers comprehensive ad-blocking solutions for both browsers and network-level blocking. For a number of operating systems, it is accessible as a stand-alone application and as a browser extension.

2. Network-Level Ad Blocking: Some advanced users configure network-level ad blockers, such as Pi-hole, to block ads across all devices on their network. This method requires more technical expertise and may not be foolproof.

3. Third-Party Apps: Certain third-party apps and services claim to block ads on YouTube TV, but use these with caution as they might violate YouTube TV’s terms of service and lead to account suspension.

How to Get Rid of YouTube Ad Blocker Pop-Up

YouTube often detects ad blockers and displays a pop-up message urging users to disable them. Following are some suggestions to handle this:

1. Update Your Ad Blocker: Ensure your ad blocker is up-to-date, as developers frequently release updates to bypass YouTube’s detection methods.

2. Whitelist YouTube TV: Temporarily disable the ad blocker or whitelist YouTube TV. This may reduce the frequency of pop-up messages, although it will not eliminate ads.

3. Use a Different Browser: Some users find success by switching to a different web browser that YouTube’s ad blocker detection has not yet targeted.

4. Advanced Configurations: Modify ad blocker settings to block the elements that trigger the pop-up without disabling the entire ad-blocking functionality.

Tricks to Block YouTube Ads

Here are some additional tricks and tips to reduce or block ads on YouTube TV:

Ad Blockers: Friend or Foe? Traditional blockers might not cut it on YouTube TV’s unique ad delivery system.

DNS-Based Blocking: Use a DNS service like AdGuard DNS or NextDNS to block ad servers at the network level. This method can block ads across all devices connected to your network.

Custom Hosts File: Edit your device’s hosts file to block known ad-serving domains. This is a more technical approach but can be effective in reducing ads.

Use a VPN: Some VPNs offer ad-blocking features as part of their service. This can help block ads and also provide additional privacy benefits.

Subscription Services: Consider using premium subscription services for specific networks or on-demand content to get ad-free viewing options.

Pi-hole Power (Tech-Savvy Only): This network-level warrior requires some setup, but it’s been known to vanquish YouTube TV ads for some.

Proceed with Caution: Ad blockers can violate terms of service and risk account suspension. Be wary of shady downloads too – malware alert!


Ads on YouTube TV are a reality for subscribers, driven by the service’s revenue model and partnerships with TV networks. While ads can be disruptive, there are various ways to minimize their impact, such as using ad blockers, upgrading to ad-free versions, and fast-forwarding through recorded content. By understanding the nature of ads on YouTube TV and employing these strategies, you can enhance your viewing experience and enjoy your favorite shows with fewer interruptions.

FAQs About YouTube TV Ads

Q: Can I watch YouTube TV without ads?

A: While you can’t completely avoid ads on YouTube TV, you can reduce their frequency by using on-demand content, upgrading to ad-free versions, or using ad-blockers for web browsers.

Q: Why are there ads on YouTube TV if I pay for a subscription? 

A: Ads are a part of the revenue model for YouTube TV and its network partners. They help keep subscription costs lower and are often required by content licensing agreements.

Q: Do ad blockers violate YouTube TV’s terms of service? 

A: Yes, using ad blockers may violate YouTube TV’s terms of service and could potentially lead to account suspension. Use them at your own risk.

Q: Can I skip ads on live TV? 

A: No, you cannot skip ads on live TV broadcasts. If the network has not blocked the capability, you can skip advertisements while watching content that has been recorded.

Q: Does YouTube Premium remove ads from YouTube TV? 

A: No, YouTube Premium removes advertisements from YouTube videos only, and does not affect ads on YouTube TV.

Q: Does YouTube TV have a secret ad blocker I missed?

A: Nope, no built-in ad blocker here.

A: No widely recognized legal solution exists… yet.

Q: Will ad blockers get me banned from YouTube TV?

A: It’s a risk. Tread carefully and know the potential consequences.

1 Comment

  1. Ameer

    Excellent 👏 I enjoy reading your blogs. Well informative..Keep up the great work!!👍

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